IEEE Power India International Conference 2024 – PIICON 2024, under the aegis of IEEE PES-IAS Delhi and IEEE PELS-IES Delhi Chapter, 11th in the series is the premier conference for sharing cutting-edge research, theories, and practices with various industry sectors. PIICON 2024 provides the platform for all Scientists, Engineers, Researchers, & Academicians to present their work, to share experiences and ideas in the areas of Power and Energy Transformation and Utilization, Power Converters, Renewable Energy Integration and Control, Power Electronics in Transportation and Vehicle systems, Smart Grids/Microgrid planning operation and analysis, IoT and AI for Energy Technologies. IEEE PIICON 2024 conference program will feature Keynotes and Plenary Sessions, Technical Paper Presentations, Industry Sessions and Awards. The theme of the conference is 'Power and Energy Enabling Technologies for Future Grid' which is relevant to many IEEE Societies such as IEEE IAS, IEEE PES, and IEEE PELS. Embracing diversity and inclusion across all activities is a top priority for the IEEE PIICON 2024 conference. Timely research topics will be discussed via presentations of the latest progresses and developments of Industrial Engineering and Applications for solving social problems.
In light of the dynamic evolution of power and energy technology sectors, it is imperative to expedite the worldwide transition in these sectors in order to attain sustainability and mitigate the impacts of climate change. The shift towards a sustainable future is apparent due to the significant decline in costs of renewable energy, substantial enhancements in energy efficiency, growing use of "smart" technology, and widespread utilization of energy storage. Amidst this continuing transformation, there is a growing demand to incorporate novel energy technologies and systems into the current infrastructure. Additional emphasis should be focused on the electricity, energy, and transport sectors to expedite the advancement of the transition aimed at mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. In the power industry, there is a need for innovative technologies that may improve power grid stability and enhance the capabilities of power systems. These advancements are necessary to provide a stable and cost-effective electricity supply.Due to the worldwide integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the power grid, many crucial issues are being raised, that affect the stability of the power systems and require special attention.In the transportation industry, innovative technologies like electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, as well as new methods of supplying power to these systems, will revolutionize the industry, attract investment, and propel the country towards an emission free transportation future. This cleaner future can be realized through greater utilization of renewable energy sources and emission-free power generation methods. Thus, propelling the country toward a cleaner transportation future that may be realized via the growing utilization of renewable energy sources and technologies that generate electricity without emitting any emissions.
Power India International Conference 2024 – PIICON 2024, under the aegis of IEEE PES-IAS Delhi Chapter as well as IEEE PELS-IES Delhi Chapter, 11th in the series will be held from 10th-12th December 2024 at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India.
The theme of the conference is 'Power and Energy Enabling Technologies for Future Grid' which is relevant to many IEEE Societies such as IEEE IAS, IEEE PES, and IEEE PELS. Embracing diversity and inclusion across all activities is a top priority for the IEEE PIICON 2024 conference.
The conference IEEE PIICON 2024 provides an opportunity for researchers, academicians, scientists, and professional engineers to present their work, publish their results, exchange ideas, and network for scientific and industrial collaborations. The emphasis will be on peer-reviewed papers with high technical quality. All papers presented in the conference will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore for possible inclusion, and all the presented papers will be eligible for further review to be published in the IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications or IEEE IAS Magazine (approval pending). There will be few tutorials on the relevant topics. The conference will also provide an opportunity for software/hardware vendors as well as publishers to display their products
The proposed conference IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON-2024) is in its 11th edition and before that it has been successfully organized by premier institutes, like NIT Delhi, IIT Delhi, DTU Delhi, DCRUST Murthal, NIT Kurukshetra and EC Bikaner etc… under the aegis of IEEE PES-IAS Delhi chapter as well as IEEE PELS-IES Delhi Chapter as financial sponsors of the conference. The earlier editions were also technically sponsored by IAS, PELS, PES.