Information for the Contributors

2024 IEEE 11 th Power India International Conference (PIICON 2024) is the first biennial conference organized by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, in collaboration under the aegis of IEEE Delhi Section, IEEE Industry Applications Society, IEEE Power Electronics Society as Technical Co-sponsors and IEEE Delhi Section PES/IA Joint Chapter, IEEE Delhi Section PEL/IE Joint Chapter, IEEE Rajasthan Subsection as Financial sponsors. The Department of Electrical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur has organized the 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES)-2020 and 10th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES)-2022 with good publication counts and overwhelming response from industry contributors/supporters.
PIICON 2024 offers you a unique and focused way to showcase your service, technology and solutions, explore opportunities to outreach your potential customers and touch base with them. Our Sponsorship packages are provided with a set of special privileges and a clear focus on your promotion during the conference. We are excited to invite you to participate as an exhibitor at our upcoming PIICON 2024 at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India. We encourage you to take advantage of the enclosed exhibitor and opportunities while they last as we have a limited number of exhibitor spaces and they will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Becoming a contributor/exhibitor you will become a part of one of the prominent power and energy conferences in Asia pacific region. Contributors may interact and make network with 500+ participants – top officials from India and global tech industry; representatives from different countries; pre/post event media & online coverage; multiple industry/academia partnership opportunities.

Benefits to the Contributors:

Contribution in IEEE PIICON 2024 provides partners exposure to a large audience of international experts in the power and energy sector. The conference will be marketed through many channels, including the IEEE network, MNIT Jaipur, and social media. Our marketing will translate into significant national and international exposure for our supportors.

Key Dates:

September 15th, 2024 Contributors Final Submission
December 10th, 2024 Conference Opening

Contributors Packages
Platinum Sponsor (Rs. 3 Lakhs)
Gold Sponsor (Rs. 2 Lakhs)
Silver Sponsor (Rs. 1 Lakhs)
Bronze Sponsor (Rs. 70 Thousand)
Exhibits @ Rs. 50,000