Camera Ready Paper Submission (After Acceptance)
- Authors need to submit a camera-ready version addressing all the reviewers' comments on or before 10th November 2024 through Microsoft CMT portal. The guidelines for the camera ready submission is available at
- The final manuscript should have the following copyright clearance code notice at the bottom of the first page:
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not Protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 979-8-3503-6706-5/24/$31.00 © 2024 Crown
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 979-8-3503-6706-5/24/$31.00 © 2024 European Union
- For all other papers the copyright notice is: 979-8-3503-6706-5/24/$31.00 © 2024 IEEE
- Please use IEEE PDF eXpress® site to check your final version of the camera-ready paper. Please log in using the conference code ID:63519X.
- The authors should make sure about the plagiarism of their manuscript (below 30% similarity), using standard plagiarism checking software (e.g. Turnitin), before submitting the camera-ready paper to confirm the inclusion of the paper in IEEE Xplore. If Plagiarism is more than 30%, then your paper will not be included in the proceedings.
- The number of pages in the Final Camera-Ready Paper must be within Six Pages. The camera-ready papers that do not meet these requirements will not be submitted for further consideration to IEEE Xplore.
- Please note that authors are expected to retain the title of the original paper in the final paper. Also, the author list in the original paper cannot be changed in the final manuscript.
- A response sheet also need to be uploaded at Microsoft CMT portal using the same camera ready link as a second file with all the reviewers' comments and responses
- The camera-ready file should be named as "PIICON2024_Paper-ID" and the response sheet as "RS_PIICON2024_Paper-ID". For e.g., the files for Paper-ID 101 should be named as "PIICON2024_101" and "RS_PIICON2024_101".
- A copyright transfer is mandatory to ensure visibility of a paper on IEEE. The authors are advised to complete the copyright form through the link available at the Microsoft CMT portal.
- Please make sure that only original work is being submitted (not previously published/copyrighted). The conference will be using the Cross-Check automated screening system to verify the originality of papers. IEEE takes disciplinary actions when violations are detected.
Registration fee details are given in tab Registration Fee Details. After the fee submission, it is mandatory to fill the suitable form given below. The registration will be confirmed only if this form is filled.