Scope and Motivation

In addition to exciting technical presentation, tutorials, industry forums and exhibitions, IEEE PIICON 2024 will feature a series of half and full-day workshops. The purpose of a workshop is to provide an opportunity for participants from academia, industry, government, and other related parties to present and discuss novel ideas on current and emerging topics relevant the areas of Power and Energy Transformation and Utilization, Power Converters, Renewable Energy Integration and Control, Power Electronics in Transportation and Vehicle systems, Smart Grids/Microgrid planning operation and analysis, IoT and AI for Energy Technologies.
The theme of the conference is 'Power and Energy Enabling Technologies for Future Grid' which is relevant to many IEEE Societies such as IEEE IAS, IEEE PES, and IEEE PELS. Embracing diversity and inclusion across all activities is a top priority for the IEEE PIICON 2024 conference. It is a structured means for people with common interest to form communities.

Workshop Proposal Format

Each workshop proposal (maximum 5-6 pages) must include (please follow the following order in your proposal):

How to Submit a Workshop Proposal

Proposals should be submitted in a PDF file, not exceeding 5-6 pages, for review to The selected workshop will be held during the conference dates for the benefit of the conference attendees.


All workshop proposals will be peer-reviewed. The Workshop Chairs will make a final selection to ensure variety and relevance to the conference attendees and to best fit the conference schedule.

Important Dates:

Proposal Submission Deadline: August 10th, 2024
Notification of Selection: August 25th, 2024

Workshop Chairs/Co-chairs:

If you have any questions, please contact the Workshop Chairs/Co-chairs:
Dr. Man Mohan Garg, MNIT Jaipur, India
Dr. Vijayakumar K., IIITDM Chennai, India
Dr. Ajay Kumar, PEC Chandigarh, India